Wednesday, January 23, 2008 

Introduce Lower Back Pain Exercises And See Relief In A Week

Lower back pain is a working man's disease, unlike the popular adage that lower back pain constitutes aging. If you do suffer from back pain, do not worry because you are certainly not alone. The most common cause for back pain is using your back muscles in activities you are not used to, like lifting heavy furniture or doing yard work. many things can cause lower back pain too, like muscle strain and muscle spasm after a heavy workout. Sprain of muscle ligaments attached from bone to bone from doing manual jobs that require heavy lifting can cause back pain and joint problems such as slipped disk from nasty falls or arthritis from, well, old age do contribute to back pain.

So with that said, take your mind off your lower back pain and your age for a moment, read this article and just slip these lower back pain exercises into your daily routine and after a week's toil you will notice the benefits. Lower back pain are mostly a cause for poor muscle tone, poor health condition, all of which are perfectly reversible. So, do these lower back pain exercises now and rid yourself of that lower back pain.

Hamstring Exercises for Lower Back Pain

It seems that a poor hamstring muscle condition is a factor for lower back pain. When hamstrings are too rigid and inelastic, they make your lower back muscles do the most work. Bending over, stretching your legs out front, running in leaps, all these activities involve the hamstring.

The lower back pain exercises involving the hamstring are running and short sprints. While producing sweat, you also work on your hamstring muscles (not to mention other muscle groups of your body). Therefore it is really a good idea to go out running once in a while. benefits you can get while doing a good 15 minute run are many.

Stretching and bending exercises is also a good way to work out your hamstring muscles. For maximum effect, apply pressure on lengthening the hamstring such as bending forward or stretching your legs in front of you. The exercise should take at least 30 to 45 seconds and should be done in two sets for each day. During the regimen, avoid stretching or bending too fast. Avoid bouncing as this can cause muscles tearing.

Lower Back Pain Exercises with a Medicine ball

Procedure 1: Contract you abdominal muscles while lying on your back, knees bent and calves resting on ball. now slowly raise your arm over head and lower arm, alternating the right and left arms. While you do this, straighten one knee and relax also alternating right and left sides. You should straighten one knee while raising the opposite arm over head.

Procedure 2: Sit on ball with back straight and knees bent 90 degrees. Then slowly raise arm over head, alternating the right and left. While doing this, also raise and lower heel, also alternating right and left. Lift the opposite limb alternately. Perform these exercises for a maximum of 5 minutes.

Do you notice the semblance of this lower back pain exercise? Yes, it resembles swimming. Swimming is by far the best exercise; notice how swimmers rarely have back muscle problems?

Some specific exercises can help your back. Others aim to gently stretch your back muscles. While some exercises are specifically designed as lower back pain exercises, living an active lifestyle (lots of exercise, good diet and plenty of rest) is the best way to overcome lower back pain. Swimming and walking are good overall exercises to improve your fitness.

A word of caution: Do not do these exercises if you are not currently participating in an exercise program. Also, please check with your physician before you start any exercise program .

Steven Resell is a successful Webmaster and Publisher of He provides more information on lower back pain, and Lower Back Pain Exercises, as well as more details on upper Back Pain, Back Pain Relief and the causes of Back Pain on his website.

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Rating Video Games

Games are a great gift to give to children of all ages, for their birthday or Christmas. You can just see their little faces now filled with so much excitement, and they instantly jump up and give you a big hug. That is one of the best feelings. But it can become very difficult when you are trying to select the right game. There are so many different video game systems that you can purchase for them, or games for the systems that they already have, such as Playstation 2, PSP, Playstation 3, xbox, xbox 360, gamecube, nintendo DS, Gamboy Advance, and my favorite Wii.

Its important then you are looking to purchase a game for any of the gaming systems that you check the genre, ratings, and reviews. There are so many games out there that have far too much violence, blood and just is not meant for the age that you are looking to buy for.

Ratings is one of the most important things that you must take into consideration when you are purchasing a game for a child, especially one that is not your own. You will notice the ratings are right on the back cover of the game and they are generally rated E, E10, T and M. Its important that you understand which ratings are meant for which age group. So here are the ratings and their meanings.

E = Everyone
E10 = Everyone over 10
T = Teens
M= Mature (these games can be very very mature)

Its really easy to purchase games for the wrong system, especially if the child that you are buying for is not your own. There are so many systems for the same companies- like xbox and xbox 360. And many of the xbox games will not work for the Xbox 360 system and vice versa. The same goes for Playstation 2 and Playstation 3 games, they are not compatible for every game. But no Playstation 3 games will work on Playstation 2 at all.

Checking out the many reviews online makes purchasing a game much easier. They will have a score next to them on many of the sites so you can easily see which games will be good.

Buying games for kids of all ages is easy to do and you should have no problem at all finding games that your kids, your sisters kids or your friends kids will be so excited to receive.

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eBay DVD Sales Tips

ebay sellers are generating substantial revenues by selling DVDs. DVDs continue to be strong sellers due to the high demand for entertainment by consumers. Todays consumers require a greater deal of entertainment than previous generations to counter the high stress lives they lead.

To fully take advantage of the strong dvd market on ebay you should use the following tips.

ebay dvd Sales tip #1

Creative movie descriptions. Instead of simply repeating the information found on the back of the dvd, you should write an original movie review. By inserting your own flair into the review you will have ebay shoppers taking a fresh look at the movie. Once you present them with a new angle, they will be more interested in the movie, and might even reconsider a movie which they previously lacked interest in.

ebay dvd Sales tip #2

Bring it up to date. You can effectively create interest for a dvd movie by tying it in to a current event. For instance, movies revolving around a political plot can sell well during election time. Movies dealing with war can sell well when the publics attention is on a war.

ebay dvd Sales tip #3

price it right. Keep in mind what dvd sites and dvd retailers, such as, Block Buster, Wal Mart, and best Buy, charge consumers for DVDs. Your DVDs need to be priced below the current rental and sales price of a brand new dvd.

The flip side is to not charge too little, or else ebay shoppers will assume that the movie is either a fake copy, or defective.

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