Thursday, October 25, 2007 

Diseases Of Garden Plants

Powdery Mildew

This fungi likes warm dry climates. This fungus attacks the following. Mums, roses, lilacs, and many other woody type plants. The fungus looks like a white powdery substance on top of the foliage, no it is not illegal. It can infect buds, leaves and the stem. It rarely will kill the plant but it will make it look bad. You can spray with neem oil or lime sulfur ask for it at your nearest nursery retail store. It may take several applications before seeing good results.

Verticillium Wilt

Verticillium is an organism that spreads thru the soil and plugs the tissues of the root system. It will actually live in cooler weather but will appear during warmer temperatures. It likes vegetables such as watermelons, strawberries, potatoes, and almost all garden type plants.


Is a bacteria. It attacks apple, pear, quince, crabapple and other fruit trees. It also attacks pyracantha, hawthorn and toyon trees. They will damage leaves branches and they will usually turn blackish color. You should prune all dead of dying branches and twigs and dispose or burn them asap.

Leaf Spot

Also called anthracnose, scar or sometimes just black spot. It is actually caused by several types of fungi and that is why it has different names. They like several types of plants namely prunes, plums, apples and strawberries. Leaf spot causes cankers to appear on the limbs. Symptoms are black spots appearing irregular on the stems and leaves. It the problem gets out of control all the foliage will drop. To avoid this problem prune out all infected limbs, leaves and branches. You can spray with wettable sulfur or bordeaux mixture, ask for it at your retail nursery store.

More free garden information at: Guzman's

Peach Leaf Curl

This fungus only attacks peaches and nectarines. I rarely does heavy damage but will make the fruit tree week if not treated. The leaves will get think and curl up thus the name. The leaf will discolor then drop. You should spray with copper of lime-sulfur and re-apply at least 2-3 times more. Prune off dead or dying leaves and burn asap.


This type of fungus goes after ornamental trees and shrubs. Roses, Hollyhocks, photinia, and a slew of other shrubs. The color is actually a yellow and or orange on the under side of the leaves. You can spray with wettable sulfur and water during early mornings instead of evenings to control Rust.

Gary & Paul Guzman are the authors of this article: Gary is the owner of Color your world nurseries & Paul is general manager of Guzman's greenhouse and the webmaster of

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The Chakra Song

We may feel we are familiar with the practices of prayer or meditation and we may have tried these unsuccessfully and wondered why such time honored avenues to self empowerment have failed to work in our lives. We may hear many testimonies that describe the effective power to transform our lives which these practices can bestow upon us and we may have felt frustrated that we have not learned how to use these tools to make ourselves feel happier, healthier or more content. Now a new tool, the chakra Song, is available which may help you to realize the goals you may have felt you might never be able to attain.

Many healing traditions all refer to an energetic body that is the template for our physical body and which is directly related to our health, happiness and wellbeing. This energetic body has nodes of energy called chakras which are directly related to different aspects of our health and how we manifest our lives in this world. When the energetic body is functioning poorly we may work to heal it; one of the most fundamental parts of the work we must do to heal our energetic bodies is to cleanse our chakras of stagnant energy.

Clearing our chakras has immense benefit. Our natural energy flow can be bogged down by so many different things. Anything which creates stress impedes the health of our energetic body, that part of us which is healed by practices like reiki, yoga or acupuncture. When the energetic body is healthy our minds work better, our emotions are healthier, and our physical bodies become healthier as well.

Our energetic bodies respond to our thoughts. This is why when we are conflicted or angry or depressed our energetic bodies become damaged and then function poorly. This is also why simple meditation or prayer can be so effective at restoring us to a state of wellbeing in body mind and spirit. By focusing our thoughts on healing our energetic body we restore ourselves to happiness, health and wellbeing.

It can sometimes be very difficult to learn how to meditate or pray effectively. Our minds are often too bemired by inner turmoil or too easily distracted by external and irrelevant influences. It takes patience to learn to quiet our thoughts so that we may empty ourselves of all the beliefs and conditions which may get in the way of successful prayer or meditation.

We must learn to recognize that many of our thoughts are vicious circles that never arrive at any functional conclusion but simple run about and about in circles endlessly consuming our minds and our time. Once we see that this is true we may begin to recognize when thoughts of this nature arise in our minds and begin to interrupt them, to stop thinking them. The more we practice not thinking these consuming thoughts the more we free our minds to think in healthier ways and the closer we become to realizing true internal peace.

In that peaceful state we can focus our thoughts more clearly on those things which really matter most to us, like our health. We can take control of our wellbeing and direct ourselves to become healthier, happier and more content. This works because everything that is manifest in the physical plane of this world begins as a thought form in our energetic bodies. By cleansing and healing our energetic bodies we create an effective thought form or mental template for our state of being which is healthier, happier and more fulfilling.

This template then manifests in the physical world by making our bodies healthier and bringing us new opportunities to enhance our lives and the lives of those we love. In this manner, the simple quiet practices of prayer or meditation become transformational tools with which we can effectively change our lives and make the world around us a happier, healthier more abundant place for all of us to share.

To help with the visualization work related to cleansing my chakras I decided to write a song. Song is one of the most powerful tools in my life. The music is borrowed from the Popcorn part of the soundtrack from the movie A Clockwork Orange. I chose this music because it is so happy, light and energizing. I hope you will find the music for this song and will then enjoy it as much as I have. This song works! It has practically written itself. My chakra visualizations are much stronger and clearer. What's more, as I was composing this song during my drive home from work I had scarcely any pain, typically driving has been a very painful activity for me because of needing to grasp the steering wheel, even when I remember to use my open palm against the steering wheel rather than grasp it the pain while driving has been pretty bad. No more! Please feel free to modify this song in any way that works best for you.

The chakra Song

In my root chakra I find - red life energy divine
It is pure and good; it cleanses me and energizes me
Its vitality that strengthens me and helps me to survive
Now the vital red life chakra power opens like a flower
...Repeat the line above until your root chakra visualization is clear then move to the YES line...
Yes, the vital red life chakra power opens like a flower

In my loin chakra I find - hot orange energy divine
It is pure and good; it cleanses me and energizes me
It is sexual; it inspires me, it helps me to create
Now the hot orange inspirational power opens like a flower
...Repeat the line above until your loin chakra visualization is clear then move to the YES line...
Yes, the hot orange inspirational power opens like a flower

In my mind chakra I find - yellow energy divine
It is pure and good; it cleanses me and energizes me
It is teaching me; it makes me free, it helps me to be me
Now the mental yellow teaching power opens like a flower
...Repeat the line above until your mind chakra visualization is clear then move to the YES line...
Yes, the mental yellow teaching power opens like a flower

In my heart chakra I find - sweet green energy divine
It is pure and good; it cleanses me and energizes me
It is compassionate; its full of love, it helps me be healthy
Now the sweet green loving chakra power opens like a flower
...Repeat the line above until your heart chakra visualization is clear then move to the YES line...
Yes, the sweet green loving chakra power opens like a flower

In my voice chakra I find - loud blue energy divine
It is pure and good; it cleanses me and energizes me
It communicates; it speaks to thee, it sings along with me
Now the loud blue singing chakra power opens like a flower
...Repeat the line above until your voice chakra visualization is clear then move to the YES line...
Yes, the loud blue singing chakra power opens like a flower

In my brow chakra I find - purple energy divine
It is pure and good; it cleanses me and energizes me
Its intuitive; it knows the truth, it helps me to perceive
Now the purple wisdom chakra power opens like a flower
...Repeat the line above until your brow chakra visualization is clear then move to the YES line...
Yes, the purple wisdom chakra power opens like a flower

In my crown chakra I find - violet white energy divine
It is pure and good; it cleanses me and energizes me
Its the god I am, my divinity; it realizes me
It connects me to infinity and all that I can be
Now the violet white chakra power opens like a flower
...Repeat the line above until your crown chakra visualization is clear then move to the YES line...
Yes, the violet white chakra power opens like a flower

Now you know the chakra song; so we all can sing along
Now the divine rainbow chakra powers open like a flower
...Repeat until all of your chakras are clearly visualized together then move to the YES line...
Yes, the divine rainbow chakra powers open like a flower

Now the vital red life chakra power opens like a flower
...Repeat until your root chakras 4 petals stretch into radiating cords of energy then move to the YES line...
Yes, the vital red life chakra power opens like a flower

Now the hot orange inspirational power opens like a flower
...Repeat until your loin chakras 6 petals stretch into radiating cords of energy then move to the YES line...
Yes, the inspiring hot orange power opens like a flower

Now the mental yellow teaching power opens like a flower
...Repeat until your mind chakras 10 petals stretch into radiating cords of energy then move to the YES line...
Yes, the mental yellow teaching power opens like a flower

Now the sweet green loving chakra power opens like a flower
...Repeat until your heart chakras 12 petals stretch into radiating cords of energy then move to the YES line...
Yes, the sweet green loving chakra power opens like a flower

Now the loud blue singing chakra power opens like a flower
...Repeat until your voice chakras 16 petals stretch into radiating cords of energy then move to the YES line...
Yes, the loud blue singing chakra power opens like a flower

Now the purple wisdom chakra power opens like a flower
...Repeat until your brow chakras 2 petals stretch into descending cords of energy that weave back and forth through your lower chakras like a caduceus symbol then move to the YES line...
Yes, the purple wisdom chakra power opens like a flower

Now the violet white chakra power opens like a flower
...Repeat until your crown chakras 40 petals stretch into radiating cords of energy and a solid broad cord of white energy connects your crown to the heavens then move to the YES line...
Yes, the violet white chakra power opens like a flower

Now the lovely rainbow chakra powers open like a flower
...Repeat until all your chakras radiating cords mingle their energy in your energetic body then move to the YES line...
Yes, the lovely rainbow chakra powers open like a flower

Now the divine living chakra powers open like a flower
...Repeat until your crown chakra is connected to the heavens by a strong white cord then move to the YES line...
Yes, the divine living chakra powers open like a flower
Now all the divine living chakra powers open like a flower

Once you have experienced the connection from the heavens to the crown chakra open wide follow up by singing the Beach Boys Good Vibrations; make up the lyrics as you go using any positive affirmations you like that describe yourself as a happy healthy human being whose good fortune brings you everything you may wish for.

Please note that your visualization of the chakras may take some time, many years for me, but I have now given you the key that turned the trick with me. Dont worry about where you visualize these at first, it can be easier to visualize them in front of your minds eye and then later transfer them to their respective places within your energetic body.

chakra Descriptions Crown chakra - located on the top of the head, it is connected to your divinity
Third Eye (Brow) chakra - between the eyebrows, related to intuition & ESP
Throat (Voice) chakra - near the larynx, related to speech & self-expression
Heart chakra - below the sternum, related to healing, love & compassion
Solar Plexus (Mind) chakra - behind the navel, related to power & mental functions
Sacrum (Loin) chakra - behind the sex organs, related to sex, emotion & creativity
Root chakra - below the base of the spine, related to security, instinct & survival

Your visualizations need not be complex at first and may begin with the individual chakra colors which you may then try to shape into balls of light. As you get better at visualizing balls of color for the chakras start to visualize the petals of each chakra as they appear on the surface pointing inward. Then visualize the petals unfolding outward from the center to form flower shapes. As the flower shapes appear visualize the petals stretching out into cords of energy that radiate outward like stars. Later as you visualize all the chakras radiating watch as the rays of the brow chakra descend through all the chakras in a weaving pattern like a caduceus. The rays of the other chakras will mingle with one another filling out your energetic body.

Today my energetic body resembled a tree covered in vines with all the chakras within it glowing and radiating and merging their energies into all the subtle leaves (organs or nodes) of my energetic body.

BIO: Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.

Visit Greg's blog at

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Use The Internet To Find Information On Gas Tankless Water Heaters

If you are thinking about upgrading to a gas tankless water heater, you will need to conduct some research first. Knowing where to find it is important. Some of the areas of information you need to be concerned with include the cost and the features offered. Dont waste your time doing a search for information that isnt reliable.

One of the best places out there to find great information on gas tankless water heaters is the internet. There are many reputable home improvement stores that will feature information about them on their websites. Most offer a product search so that you can see the various brands and models available. One thing you need to be aware of is most of these sites will have more gas tankless water heaters featured on their website than available at their physical stores. In that case you will have to special order it.

Of course there are some downfalls to searching for gas tankless water heaters on the internet. It is not uncommon for many websites to carry outdated information on them. However this can work to your advantage because you may end up finding a better deal but keep in mind that some of the prices you see probably are no longer accurate.

To prevent this, contact the retail store after you have researched a particular model on their website. Talking to a store employee can help you find out about any sales going on and if the model is carried in the store. If not, they can assist you with getting it ordered. In some cases you will have to provide a credit card number but you wont be charged until you come in to pick up the gas tankless water heater. Calling definitely saves you time over driving to the store to find out they dont have it in stock or that it is out of your price range. Using the internet to find out about gas tankless water heaters is a great way to find valuable information while saving time.

Learn more information on tankless water heater and best gas tankless. is a comprehensive resource for tankless water heater with information on reviews, installation and how it works.

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