Sunday, November 18, 2007 

6 Powerful Ways to Solve Communication Problems at Work

Is your organization suffering from severe communication problems? Someone once said that "communication is the lifeblood of an organization" - and it truly is. An organization that is experiencing a breakdown in communication will not live for very long because many problems will crop up and eventually cause the organization to die a natural death.

If your organization is experiencing communication problems, you must do what you can to resolve these as soon as possible. The life of your organization is at stake.

How do you know if your organization is experiencing communication problems? There are 12 possible signs that you should look out for:

1) You find it hard to get some people to cooperate.

2) Some people are being left out of the communication loop.

3) Replies to messages are being delayed or completely ignored.

4) Groups in the organization are failing to reach their goals.

5) Mistakes are cropping up more and more often.

6) people are resorting more to criticism and placing the blame on other people.

7) Morale of teams is going down.

8) Productivity is dull or at zero level.

9) You receive many complaints.

10) Moments of conflict result in expressions of anger.

11) There is significant employee turnover.

12) business is going to your competitors instead of to you.

If you find that there are some or many (if not all) of these warning signs present in your organization, it is advisable for you to take steps to address such problems before they kill your organization.

How does one correct or resolve such problems? There are different steps to take to counter the prevalence of communication problems in organizations.

1) first, listen to the people involved or who have caused the communication problem in the first place. Doing so allows you to uncover the depth, nature and roots of the communication problem for that particular group of people.

2) If the problems are quite vast and have deeply-rooted causes, you may want to secure the help of a neutral negotiator. This third party may be able to get inside the problem more thoroughly than an insider because when communication problems crop up, the group involved may choose to clam up or point fingers rather than admit to their role in creating the problem.

3) To maintain confidentiality, it is possible to use a tool such as a survey. people who might be scared to tell the truth because of reprisals would then have another safer option compared to coming out of the crowd.

4) After you have uncovered the problem and its roots, you may choose to initiate group counseling or training. The point of this is to address the problem of the group, rather than focusing on just one person. Finger-pointing is avoided. The saying "united we stand, divided we fall" should become the motto of the group.

5) It is important for the leader to have great communication skills so that communication problems can be resolved. communication skills are required to diagnose communication problems, and naturally, provide the necessary solutions. Leaders who lack adequate communication skills might benefit from more training in communication.

6) Do your research - perhaps the communication problem you are experiencing now has occurred before in the history of the organization. And perhaps someone knows the solution that could work now. So look inwards into the heart of the organization, ask around, and you may find the way to properly address your organization's communication problems.

Remember, if your organization is already suffering communication problems, don't wait for these symptoms to get worse. Good communication is necessary for an organization to function properly and stay viable amidst the influx of a multitude of challenges from the environment. Act immediately on communication problems and stem the bleeding of your organization.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 simple Steps to Developing communication Confidence. apply now because it is available only at: conversation starters

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Generators are used for the generation of electric power. There are basically two types of generators: standby generators and portable generators. Generators ensure that most of the essential appliances can be run whenever there is a power outage. Standby generators provide backup power in homes and offices and are permanently installed outside the house or office building. They are plugged into the electric circuits or home wiring. Standby generators can automatically detect disruption in the usual electric supply and begin supplying power within a few seconds. Portable generators are usually used in places where there is no supply of power or the need for power is less such as on construction sites camps. These generators are sufficient for lighting and to run appliances like televisions, refrigerators, sump pumps and furnaces.

Generators are available in varying size and output power. The choice of buying the right type of generator depends upon a number of factors such as the wattage capacity, voltage ratings, fuel type, fuel efficiency, noise level, portability and price.

Generators for home use most often run on fuels such as gasoline, diesel, natural gas or propane. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Gasoline is inexpensive and easily available. Gasoline generators gives the most power per weight unit but require frequent maintenance. It is also noisy, emits harmful carbon monoxide and the engine wears faster than diesel, propane or natural gas generators.

Diesel is easy to acquire but is comparatively more expensive. Diesel generators require less maintenance and are fuel-efficient. Its disadvantage is that it is noisier, emits more smoke and smells, and harder to start in cold weather.

Propane is expensive and is feasible for homeowners who already have a storage tank to store propane. Propane generators require less maintenance, has no condensation and no problem starting up in cold weather like the gasoline generators. However, propane gas or natural gas generators consume more fuel per kilowatt of power produced than diesel generators. Natural gas generators are the most convenient to use as there is continuous supply of fuel. They can be connected to home gas lines.

A generator should always be used according to the guidelines provided by the manufacturer. Care should be taken to see that the generator is not overloaded. A heavy-duty extension cord must be used to connect appliances to the generator. A qualified electrician must be called in to install a transfer switch to plug the generator to the home wiring system. Refueling the generator when in operation should be avoided. Spilling of fuel on the heated components may cause fire.

Smaller generators can meet most of the basic power needs of a homeowner. Buying a larger generator will consume more fuel to power the same appliances that a smaller generator could. A 5-kilowatt portable generator can power main lights, televisions, sump pumps and refrigerators. Generators of higher wattage capacity are also available according to the needs of the individual house owner. Commercial establishments may need standby generators having an output capacity of more than 200 KW and supplying three-phase power, that is, 120, 240, 480 volts.

It is always wise to invest in good quality generators. All brands and models of generators are listed on the -- a very convenient way to find the best deal.

Generators provides detailed information about generators, diesel generators, electric generators, emergency generators and more. Generators is the sister site of Window Air Conditionar Rentals.

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