Wednesday, October 10, 2007 

Cruise Insurance - The One Thing To Make Your Cruise Enjoyable

Imagine spending several wondrous days on the turquoise seas on the most luxurious cruise liner you've ever seen. Now imagine taking that once-in-a-lifetime cruise with inadequate cruise insurance, or worse, none at all. Chances are you won't even enjoy your cruise because you won't have peace of mind.

You might ask, is cruise insurance really important? The thing is nobody really knows for sure what could happen while you're traveling, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.

Cruise insurance can help immensely if, for instance, your trip is cancelled because of foul weather. Or if your baggage gets lost somehow. There are personal belongings that are surely irreplaceable, but it's a consolation to be partly compensated for the loss. Even something as simple as missing a connecting cruise can ruin a dream vacation.

Search the Web to find the best deals on cruise insurance. Most companies provide checklists of items to consider when purchasing a policy. Unexpected illnesses, accidents, and trip cancellations are good enough reasons to get cruise insurance.

Normally, travel deposits are non-refundable and this could be a great loss if an unexpected event comes up, necessitating you to cancel your trip. Cruise insurance can reimburse deposits and payments if the reason for cancellation is included in the coverage, such as injury, sickness, or death of the insured, a traveling companion, or a family member.

There are some policies that cover a lot of weather-related crises such as blizzards, typhoons, or floods. Some even include coverage of emergency evacuation and repatriation.

It's important to read the fine print to make sure that you're getting your money's worth. Do some research about the companies known to respond quickly to claims payments. If there are items in the contract which are vague, never hesitate to ask the company's representative about them.

You must also remember to inform a trusted friend or relative about your travel plans which cruise you're taking, where you plan to go, and details about your itinerary.

Cruise insurance may seem like a minor concern, but getting one makes you feel more secure, knowing that your trip won't be marred by unexpected expenses.

You can also find more info on Travel Insurance For Backpackers and Travel Insurance Tips. is a comprehensive resource to get information about Travel Insurance.

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Demystifying the Best Weight Loss Product

The appetite suppressant is considered as the best weight loss product that comes in forms of a pill or a patch. There are others like those that prevent fat and carbohydrate absorption and calorie burners that can be considered as the best weight loss product. It will all depend on your lifestyle, overall health, age, and gender on which best weight loss product is right for you.

Types of weight loss products

1.Appetite suppressants These can prevent you from overeating, giving in to cravings, and unnecessary binging.
2.Burners They burn carbs, calories, and fat by increasing your metabolic rate and at the same time, giving you more energy boost.
3.Blockers These prevent your body from absorbing fats and carbohydrates and expelling them from your system through your bowel movement.

Consider these

There are a lot of factors to consider before picking out the best weight loss product that can effectively help you in shedding off those unwanted pounds.

1.There are products that cannot show immediate results but they promise not to have any side effects.
2.Results can differ from person to person. This is in the case of many products, so even if you are using the same best weight loss product as your friend, you may not find yourself losing the same kind of weight as they are.
3.Don't believe everything written on the label especially if the weight loss product is not prescribed by your doctor. All-natural and herbal does not necessarily mean that the product is entirely safe.
4.Consult with your physician before taking any weight loss product so prevent side effects that can cause serious damage to your body.

Fast results require additional effort

You can take diet pills while wearing a weight loss patch for faster results. You can also try exercising in subtle ways like walking or climbing stairs instead of taking the bus or using the elevator. Experts also believe that proper diet and exercise is still the best way to lose weight so even if you are using weight loss products, try to put some effort into doing the tried and tested ways for losing weight.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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Don't Drink Your Calories--Expanded Version

It may well be that soda pop is mankinds worst ever discovery. If you drink soda pop, especially the caffeinated kind, it could kill you, as shown recently when a mans death seems to have been associated with his overconsumption of diet soda. But most especially, it can go right after your kids health. Pop gives the average teenager approximately 12.5 teaspoons of refined sugar a day. It works out to that much more than what our US government has determined people need in unrefined sugar per day. Also, your kid and you are using soda pop, in all probability, as a food. In 1977-78, teenagers drank twice as much milk as soft drinks, but by 1994-96, it had turned around; they were drinking twice as much soda as they were drinking milk. And such consumption is linked with lower intake of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Meanwhile, empty calories are all those soda pops contain, aside from ulcer-causing acids. The ingredients in both regular and diet pop can eat away the inner lining of your stomach, eventually causing severe digestive problems. And the average small bottle or can of soda contains over 200 calories, none of which harbor any real nutrients for your health whatsoever. If you consume one can of pop per day, you will gain 12 pounds in only one year. Pop is contributing to major health problems, particularly obesity. Such a condition has been proven to injure your health by the USDA Economic Research Service. Several studies by them have shown that weight gain is directly related to soft drink consumption. Weight gain itself is the prime risk factor for Type Two Diabetes, which can make you go blind, cause lifelong paralysis and finally death. It can be controlled only through a daily regimen of diet or medication. Do you want that sort of thing in your life? If not, cut back on your drinking of soda pop.

Also, fruit juices and drinks like iced tea, Gatorade, Snapple, and other such common drinks which are promoted to be healthier than soda pop are often no such thing. Check the label before you buy fruit juice. It may contain only 10% real fruit juice. And the drinks that claim to contain 100% real fruit juice have just as many calories as soft drinks and are not that much more nutritious, either. Many fruit juices are simply loaded with sugar, either refined or unrefined. A glass of apple juice holds 10 teaspoons of sugar, as the juice is concentrated from a much larger amount of apples. Youre much better off eating a single apple and getting the smaller amount of calories and the roughage instead. The sugar in apple juice is concentrated, unlike when in the original apple, and it will raise your insulin level, making your body burn excess blood sugars rather than fats.

And our average alcohol intake is certainly not any better. Hard liquors contain a high amount of calories, and even a light beer has about 100 caloriesall empty. Alcohol is quite dense in calories; one gram of alcohol is worth seven calories. Although an occasional glass of fine vintage red wine is good for your heart, it contains a high amount of alcohol, which is high in calories and contains no nutrients. And alcohol does not satisfy your bodys hunger cravings, as your body will burn alcohol for fuel before it begins to burn your body fat. So you will continue to eat commensurate to your hunger, thus piling on the calories. This is not to mention the facts that alcohol also destroys your brain cells and causes a remarkable amount of vehicle accidents and deaths.

It may well be that soda pop, alcohol and other such empty calorie consumption is a major problem in America, especially for teens and adults. Thats why theyre trying to remove it from the schools. And as you get older, being overweight can give you coronary disease, strokes from blood clots building up in your arteries, and cancer. Cancer is like being eaten away by your own body, literally a piece at a time.

Also, always downing that two-liter of soda pop increases the risk of osteoporosis in both men and women when they drink soda pop instead of milk, which is rich in bone-building calcium, and dentists are especially keen on people not drinking sugar-laden, no calcium, hopelessly empty soda pop. All it seems to do is taste good, it would appear. Dental experts say that if you drink it between meals to quench your thirst, you get tooth decay and dental erosion due to the sugars and the acids in pop.

Some of your desire for pop puts you at a risk for kidney stones and a slightly higher risk of heart disease. There needs to be more research done in these two areas, but there has been a fair degree of documentation done by the University of California at Berkeley.

Caffeine, on the same hand, has been proven to be a highly addictive drug. If you drink a cup of coffee or more per day, day in and day out, you are technically addicted to coffee. Its a stimulant and has been proven to help peoples sex lives somewhat, but it also increases the excretion of calcium. Other ingredients in soda pop such as Yellow Number Five promote attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in some children. Yellow #5 also induces allergic reactions such as asthma in a sizeable portion of individuals.

Soft drinks are one of the most heavily promoted items in all of human history. You can find them in gas station stores, the 7-11 or the AM-PM, vending machines are everywhere, and they are lining the school halls also. You need something wet to quench your thirst, and thats the secret reason people are going to bars anyway. To get a drink. But neither the soda pop nor the booze, as both caffeine and alcohol are addictive drugs.

US companies spend $700 million or more per year on media advertising for soda pop per year, and hundreds of millions on other promotional activities. They even make contracts with your public school systems to sell soda pop in the halls. Parents and educators have recently, however, been making a concerted attempt to reign in that form of merchandising. Several states have banned at least the non-diet soft drinks from some or all schools, but that could be more of a step backward than a step forward. It does cut the calories, and diet soda has been proven to not quench hunger by some studies, again done at the University of California. Your kids will not do much better on diet soda, but at least theyll be more prone to eating or drinking something elseunless they dont. Diet soda is still full of those same acids they mentioned, and have no sugar in them to help them along in your digestive cramp. They can cause nausea, diarrhea and constipation, not to mention those same allergic reactions, including asthma, as regular soda does. Diet soda alone is not an easy way out.

Nonetheless, the Center for Science in the Public Interest makes these recommendations: that governments should require chain restaurants to declare the calorie content of soft drinks and all other items on menus and menu boards; the Food and Drug Administration has been told by them to require labels on non-diet soft drinks to state that frequent consumption of sugar-laden drinks promotes obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, osteoporosis and other health problems; governments should provide water fountains in schools, government buildings, parks and other public places; school systems and other organizations, and all those organizations which cater to children should stop selling soft drinks, candy and junk foods in hallways, shops and cafeterias.

Until this month of September, 2005, there was no hard and clear evidence through science that soda itself alone can make kids fatter. But reporting in The Lancet, a British medical journal, a team of Harvard researchers had found the first evidence absolutely linking soda pop drinking to childhood obesity. Twelve year olds who drink soft drinks regularly are far more likely to become or to be obese than those who dont.

Obesity experts at Harvard found this to be highly important and spent 19 months following the children rather than simply following them around for a week or so like many studies gone before have done. Statistically through many similar studies its been found to be more important to use a lengthy study than a sporadic or shorter study. And in this study, it was found that schoolchildren consume who drink pop take in some 200 calories per day more than children who usually dont. It supports the notion that long-term obesity is an ingrained behavior, starting in childhood, and that we dont compensate well for calories in liquid. In short, water or milk is simply better.

In fact, the answer to this problem is patently obvious: drink water, and more water. Milk is good, but you should always remember that its a food, and not that useful for thirst purposes. Whole milk especially is high in both fat and calories, so go easy on the milk. Water, on the other hand, has no calories and is the very thing you should drink to quench your thirst. You should drink a minimum of six eight-ounce glasses of water per day, say all the experts who have studied this subject. And water, without adding on any calories, can take the edge off your hunger and help you fill up. A good time to drink a glass of water is just before a big, calorie laden meal; it will slow you down. One strategy that works is to always carry a bottle of fresh, clean water with you, and to take sips from it frequently. This also helps prevent daily dehydration, which can be exacerbated by overconsumption of alcohol, soda pop and coffee or tea, which all produce excess thirst.

A small daily consumption of coffee and/or tea is fine, as long as you dont add lots of sugar to your caffeinated or decaffeinated beverage. Both coffee and tea contain antioxidants, which are anti-cancer agents benefiting your overall health. Green tea has been discovered to have terrific health benefits, less caffeine, and to boost your metabolism, helping you to burn fat. You can even drink it before you go to bed, calming hunger cravings for that midnight snack which might cause you to gain weight. But avoid the designer drinks you find at Starbucks and other such shops which are loaded with high amounts of milk fat and sugar. If you must have your latte, put cinnamon in it, which helps slow down your absorption of sugar--and which also has no calories and tastes delicious. And add honey or turbinado sugar and low-fat milk to your drink.

Although fruit juices are not the best bet to quench your hunger and your thirst, as they contain too high of amounts of insulin-raising sugars, vegetable juices such as V-8, Welchs, and Heinz tomato juice are fine, as they are both low in calories and do not have a high sugar concentration. However, dont depend on them too heavily, as they are high in salt content, which again like soda pop, alcohol and caffeinated beverages make you thirstier. Too high of salt intake is also associated with major health problems. And you should not substitute veggie juices for fresh fruits and vegetable, which contain fibers and other nutrients than you will find in the juices from them. In fact, if you eat fresh fruit and vegetables in large quantities, they will help you with your thirst problem and fill you up with proper food and nutrients as well. Have a slice of watermelon instead of a beer. Fruits and veggies will help quench your thirst, as well as drinking plenty of water.

But soda pop has been shown to make you thirstier, and that does lead to the further drinking of it as you attempt to quench your thirst. Something about the combination of chemicals in many soda pops dries out people. So then they reach for another can of soda, thus becoming committed to a vicious cycle. And that greatly increases their calorie intake, especially since pop today is now coming supersized as well, filling up those larger and larger plastic single-serve looking bottles. It might not be a bad idea to try to follow the serving suggestion, at least, on the bottle. And it might be a better idea to drink either soda pop or alcohol of any kind from a plastic or glass bottle than an aluminum can, as the aluminum has been shown to seep into the can. This may have something to do with the formation of Alzheimer plaques in the human brain, as aluminum may be a cause of Alzheimers disease, a dreadful illness that causes people to forget everyone and everything that holds any meaning whatsoever in their lives.

Is it worth it, to worship a can of a kids drink that was invented as a snake oil remedy in a poor mans fireplace by bubbling a concoction of chemicals together that tasted good? He only intended to sell it in small amounts to adults as a tonic, as it did seem to settle peoples stomachs, and stimulate them. Thats because original formula Cokes main ingredient was cocaine, not caffeine, but eventually cocaine became illegal. Caffeine and alcohol are both heavily addictive drugs which have been overly promoted as beverages. Water is not. Water is good for you, where caffeine and alcohol can actually hurt your body and eventually cause long-term health problems leading to great pain and death.

The Coca-Cola Company finally removed cocaine from its product. Perhaps someday, we should follow suit on caffeine and alcohol. But until that day ever comes, we are stuck having to police ourselves and our children. Please do it wisely.

Many of the statistics and facts in this article are from:

1) The Amazing Statistics and Dangers of Soda Pop

By Sally Squires and Dr. Joseph Mercola

2) From Liquid Candy: How Soft Drinks are Harming Americas Health

The Center for Science in the Public Interest

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