Wednesday, October 3, 2007 

Dangerous When Hot

Dont laugh but it looks to me like the good weather is going to show its face (at last) in the UK. Well be able to lower the roofs of our sexy sports cars or, if you dont go in for two-seaters, wind down a window or two.

However, one word of warning, the hot weather, for some unknown reason, has been known to bring out the worst in people, proved the other day by the nice man who spat (yes thats spat), into my wifes open-topped car as revenge for some minor traffic infringement that only he could see from the window of his PSV.

OK, being stuck in an expensive tin can for a couple of hours is not the most comfortable of experiences but really, theres no excuse for the kind of bad behaviour we witnessed. Not only is it stupid and in the case above unhealthy, it is also dangerous.

A moment of hesitation, a second of lost attention and before you know it, theres a major accident. If you take the idiot above, he drove off at a ridiculous speed, tailgating the vehicle in front who must have wondered what was going on. And not only that, our spitting friend was in a frenzy, not the safest of conditions to be in when driving on busy roads.

So, if and when the hot stuff arrives, stay calm, get plenty of fresh air, remember you are not the only person driving on our clogged roads, and above all, resist the urge to spit at the car in front.


Ian Harris lives in Shakespeare country (Stratford upon Avon) in the UK and loves to write, unfortunately not to William's standard, although he believes when he dies, like Will his work will be rediscovered and he will be recognized at last.

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VoIP Phones - Is This Where Technology has Brought Us?

The resourceful technology called voip has created a storm in the world of communication. More and more people all around the world are opting this technology at homes and at offices. There was a time when even a telephone was an awe inspiring concept. And now we, humans have grown and evolved to such a stage, where we can make international calls at the snap of a finger and enjoy a communication which is crystal clear and dirt cheap.

voip, as by now we all know, stands for voice over internet protocol. And voip phones are telephones and cordless phones that are voip enabled. Today, markets all over the world, are brimming with voip phones and you can find all the well known brands like philips, siemens, panasonic, etc. All these leading brands have different variety of voip phones, which are: Skype phones, Wi-Fi phones, usb phones, Skype headset etc. Consumers choose as per their requirements and their usage.

VoIP, as said above, are used both at home and offices, with the help of an ATA box. The ATA box connects the phone and the computer to the modem, which connects to the internet. At home, one can plug in the main base of the telephone or cordless phone to the ATA box.

VoIP requires a high speed internet connection for which one needs cable or dsl. However, it would be best if you have broadband connection since the speed is pretty fast in such cases. There are many service providers who provide broadband internet connection. Although the technology with all the providers remains same, however, there is a big difference in the pricing and plans that each provider offers. You can choose your service provider as per your requirements.

After you get internet connection, all you have to do is just dial in the international or national number from your voip phone and get connected to any corner of the world.

Darlene Kaitlene is a renowned business writer who has years of experience in writing technical reviews, product descriptions and product feature analysis of technical gadgets and gizmos. He has won appreciation especially for enlightening people about the latest communication gizmos...the VoIP Phones and VoIP technology.

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Obesity Pills Are Dangerous - Here's Why

If there really were obesity pills or supplements that really helped people lose weight easily and healthily, why is obesity on the rise? The fact of the matter is that most fat loss pills are scams, and the ones that might work to some degree are extremely dangerous for your health.

Obesity is a word that some people like to throw around even when it is not warranted. Unlike being merely fat however, being obese means that you are considered by the medical community to have serious health problems. Before turning to obesity pills, you ought to first consider whether you even qualify for such a drastic measure (because obesity pills might not even be a good thing). To help you understand if you are at this point you can look at an obesity chart.

While there are many different types of obesity charts to be found you will need to look for one that you can understand with ease. For this reason, hunt around on the internet for a while. You will find lots of information about the condition of obesity. Some of these obesity sites will also provide their readers with information about how to read an obesity chart.

The obesity chart is one of the easiest ways that a person can understand where they stand at the weight scale. In some of the charts you will find lots of information which gives details about reading the obesity chart. Other charts will simply have a table with numbers that you can go through.

With both of these options you have complete privacy to see if you are in the obese or morbidly obese category. In order to read these charts you should do first look at the section which correlates with your sex. In that section look to see if you can find your height. From the height you will be able to see what information is given for your ideal weight.

The obesity chart will have figures for people from a height of about 4 5 up to seven feet. The ideal weight amounts which are provided will range from about 63 pounds to 275 pounds. Of course when you look at one of the obesity chart figures you need to understand that these given figures are just rough approximations.

This means that even though you have found some information which may place you as being in the obese range you still need medical confirmation. Your doctor should be able to let you know if the information that you have found in the obesity chart is accurate with regards to your health.

When people find that they have lost control over their weight they may sometimes begin to panic or even become depressed, and they might start eating more to compensate for this. If nothing is done to correct this situation, the person will slide into a state of being even more obese. The next step from this state is called morbid obesity.

Before reaching this stage you should really start looking for viable options with which you can reduce your weight. Obesity pills really do not hold much promise for the time being, and can be quite unhealthy as well.

Are you looking for obesity pills? You should be wary of the fraudulent claims about obesity pills for weight loss. Instead of risking further health problems, try an easy and effective fat loss plan that anyone can follow by visiting

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Weight Loss and Fitness

The amount of calories you consume and the amount of energy you expand is directly related to weight loss or gain. Simple, right? Not really quite as simple as that. There are other factors that come into play that are not talked about too much.

If you go to any of the "diet" centers, many times they will focus on the food you eat and tell you to concentrate on that. You look at the commercials with Kirsty Ally and she talks about the great food and she's not starving or missing out on desserts, because the program has all that 'sinful' food. But the thing is, you aren't going to eat their food all the time or forever, so what's a girl to do? : )

The thing that happens is that you revert to your former eating habits and probably return to your original shape. Many people add to their original weight, at least a couple pounds. This is why there is a series of commercials using the expression stay an 'after' meaning don't return to your before weight.

The only way you can "stay an after" is if you change your lifestyle from your "before" lifestyle. Meaning you need to incorporate the eating habits and some sort of exercise program and MAINTAIN that. The exercise program tends to get overlooked, but that must be a part of your plan. It is a known fact that muscle burns more calories than fat, so if you have more muscle, you are using more calories, even if you are just sitting around watching TV. no extra effort needed, the muscle is helping to keep you in shape at all times.

When you just change your diet you tend to lose muscle. When you lose muscle, your body doesn't work at hard at burning calories. What goes on is you lose muscle and then you start eating like "before" and your body doesn't burn the calories like it used to, so you gain the weight back faster than before, and you don't add muscle, you add more fat; unless you are exercising.

Here's the next thing. The exercise that most people turn to is cardio (running, biking, walking, etc.) to burn the fat. But that doesn't add much muscle to your frame. The better option is to lift weights. This will burn calories and 'replace' fat with muscle, which will in turn burn more calories and get you started in the opposite direction of the fat burning operation. You will gain muscle and it will help burn calories and keep you in shape.

Lifting weights will not necessary make you lose weight, but you will look and feel better. Muscle is heavier than fat, but it is also more dense. You can keep the same weight and drop a few inches off your waist. Women don't worry, you don't have the testosterone to gain huge bulky muscles. You will keep a trim fit appearance and not turn into a 'muscle-y mannish' woman. That can't happen without some serious supplement help and probably steroids as well.

Before anyone writes me to defend the Jenny Craigs of the world, I am not putting down any healthy method of weight loss. If a center, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, whatever, can help you on the track to health and fitness that is terrific. They can provide excellent support groups and calorie counting methods and all that stuff. I am just saying that unless you incorporate a change in your lifestyle, you are likely to gain weight back. I know the "weight loss centers" all agree with that.

Contact me with questions or comments

Robert Britt is married and a father of four. He is a published author and has a degree in Psychology from Albright College. Robert is a recognized expert in the field of personal finance, self-esteem and confidence building. He is a full time professional writer and speaker. Robert spent 13 years in the military and 14 years in manufacturing prior to self-employment. Please contact Rob at or visit

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