Sunday, January 13, 2008 

Why Exercise During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy can be a challenging phase for your spouse. Maintaining a healthy posture will help her keep back problems away. An exercise routine will especially help her to keep fit. Your spouse can begin an exercise routine even if she has never really exercised before. Walking, swimming, pre-natal yoga, and simple aerobics are ideal forms of exercise during pregnancy.

These are some of the things your spouse may need to remember if she is starting an exercise routine:

All exercise programs should be begun gradually. Starting with about 15 minutes, three to four days a week is sufficient.

She should resist the temptation to overdo it.

She should avoid jogging, unless she used to jog regularly before her pregnancy.

She should avoid doing sit-ups and other exercises, which involve lying on the back as they may decrease blood flow to the uterus.

Exercises that involve standing in the same place for long periods can also decrease blood flow to the baby. It is better to keep moving or changing positions frequently.

She should avoid strenuous forms of exercise, such as riding a bike.

She should wear loose comfortable clothing and avoid overheating.

She must drink adequate amounts of water to avoid dehydration.

She should eat healthy foods to make up for calories lost during exercise.

If, after exercise, she notices symptoms such as fatigue, pain, nausea, vaginal bleeding or discharge, or pelvic contractions, she should contact her doctor immediately.

Whether your spouse is pregnant or not, exercise is one of the best things she can do for her physical and emotional health. The american College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that pregnant women without health problems or pregnancy complications exercise moderately for 30 minutes or more on most, if not all, days of the week.

Pregnant or not, exercise helps keep the heart, bones, and mind healthy. Staying active also seems to give some special added paybacks for pregnant women.

Here are some really good reasons for your spouse to get regular exercise during pregnancy:

It can ease and prevent aches and pains of pregnancy including constipation, varicose veins, backaches, and exhaustion

Active women seem to be better prepared for labor and delivery and recover more quickly

Exercise may lower the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy

Fit women have an easier time getting back to a healthy weight after delivery

Regular exercise may improve sleep during pregnancy.

Staying active can protect your spouses emotional health. Pregnant women who exercise seem to have better self-esteem and a lower risk of depression and anxiety. Get more information for pregnancy exercise

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Soccer Player Tips for Better Performance

Soccer player's tips for a better performace. Tips and techniques to consider for the game of soccer.

Here are some ideas to consider when you are playing the game of soccer.

1. Keep the ball moving with one or two touches.This is also known as interpassing within a team setting.

2. play the ball with pace; make a crisp solid pass, whether it is a 3-meter or 20 meter pass.

Yes and to your team mate.

3. play the ball and move.

playing and moving covers the basic idea behind making runs, but the important thing to remember is to make these runs dangerous and make runs that lead to goal scoring opportunities or open up space for a team-mate.

Get the ball and lay it off and then make that run behind the defender again, so your team mate can chip the ball to you over the opposing players.

4. Give it and get it back.

Give and go or wall pass.

The basics for all of soccer is the ability to pass accurately to force opportunities. The key is setting up your defender.

You almost need to draw in the defender towards you, as though he or she is going to be able to intercept the ball, then give it and go - accelerating into the open space to receive the return pass.

5. When dribbling change your pace after making a move to beat an opponent player .

Attack quickly when there's an advantage or an opportunity.

Try to keep the ball moving as quickly as possible. If there's a chance to break, then counter-attack with a few precise passes.

6. Keep the ball close to your feet when controlling the ball. Keep your head up and watch the field as everybody is moving.

7. When dribbling, try and touch the ball with every step you take. To ensure close control of the ball and then enhance your ability to cut the ball away from defenders.

8. Get the cross in. Try and aim for the area between the 6 and 18 yard boxes. This will make the goalkeeper come out and try and collect the ball.

This makes the goal open and vunerable. A cross directly infront of the goalkeeper is easy for the keeper to handle.

9. Take shots on goal and test the goalkeeper as often as possible in the first part of the game.

10. Always want the ball, and ask for it.

If you know that you are making great runs into space let your team know this.

This type of communication is vital for the development of great plays.

11. Always watch the ball, don't get caught because you were watching your opponents feet.

12. Always watch the movement of ALL players on the field.

13. Stick to your teams strategy and tactics for the day.

14. show respect for yourself by respecting the officials, the coaches, the opposing team and your own team.

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Golf Training Gloves

Why use golf training gloves? Thats a good question and I suppose it depends on a couple of factors. An old friend of mine is a golf pro in Hawaii and he has been touting golf training gloves for ever. If your main concern is to go out and get a little exercise on the golf course on a beautiful day, then golf training gloves may not be necessary. However, if you are like the millions of golfers who would like to improve their game, the twenty to fifty dollars spent on golf training gloves is well spent.

golf is like other sports in that there is a social function and a sporting function both operating at the same time. Peoples focus shifts from one to the other, rarely is there a balance that produces a quality performance. It hardly matters if the social aspects produce the desired effect of fun, relaxation and a chance to get in the game. fitness and training are promoted over and over again. To be fit is to be strong enough to play the game, with breath sufficient to walk the distance and enough conscious will to make it through when the going gets a little rough. Theres also a role that luck plays in the process. But even with luck its been said that it is 80% receptivity and fitness. I think the idea is that when you are fit, you can be ready to capitalize on good opportunities as they arise.

If performance training is in your frame of reference, then golf training gloves should be considered along with all the other training aids on the market. Some have to do with a particular training philosophy while others deal with specific swing or stance elements. Some are just a marketing ploy. If you look at golf from with a wide view, it is easily discerned that the hands, arms and shoulders play a big role. Golf training gloves deal with connective relationship between the hands and the wrists with the arms and shoulders. With most golf training gloves, you actually wear only one glove on the opposite hand (if youre right handed, you use a left hand glove). Through varied design means, the glove directs the wrist action, helping it to conform properly. golf training gloves promote an overall better swing, more direction control and improved game. The price for golf training gloves is initially steep, but when compared to shoes or clubs the cost in minimal. Give it a try and swing away!

Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The golf Training Blog. Click here for more helpful information on the golf Training:

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Self Hypnosis CDs - Subliminals

Sometimes, on a self hypnosis recording a subliminal element will be included to increase the power of that recording.

A subliminal element is something which according to Collins dictionary is "below the threshold of consciousness". In other words, the listener is not aware of it consciously but the subconscious can be aware of it.

Previously subliminal persuasion was used to induce people to take a certain action or have a desire. For instance there used to a be a practice, now banned, of splicing in a picture of a hot dog or hamburger during the playing of a film at a cinema. The people watching the film would get the thought of a hot dog or hamburger in their mind, think that they must be hungry and then go and buy one. This practice is no longer used.

With regard to the use of subliminal influence in self hypnosis cds, it is used for positive and beneficial purposes. Verbalised suggestions are included which are below the audible level of the listener's conscious mind but are picked up by the subconscious mind.

So a self confidence hypnosis cd may include subliminal suggestions such as "I am more confident.... I believe in myself etc". These subliminal suggestions can be incorporated in a recording of music. The conscious mind hears pleasant music and the subconscious hears the music and also the subliminal suggestions too.

As the subconscious is the powerful part of our mind, the subliminal suggestions reach the part that has the most influence on our behaviour.

Duncan McColl developed something even more powerful than the ordinary subliminal. This will be the subject of the next article.

Steven A. Harold
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